Real Heroes Day Celebrates Our Community's Finest

On Wednesday, April 17th, The Armory hosted its annual Real Heroes Day event! This special day brought together our young athletes, from CityTrack and Little Feet, and the real-life superheroes who keep our community safe: the brave men and women of our local police precinct and fire department.

A Day of Fun and Appreciation

The afternoon was packed with exciting activities on the track. Over 150 children had the chance to interact with police officers, firefighters, and EMTs. They got a firsthand look at the dedication and commitment required to serve and protect our community.

It wasn't all learning though! There was plenty of fun to be had. Children met adorable fire dogs, donned real firefighter uniforms and helmets, and explored the insides of an EMT ambulance and fire truck. They even raced against police officers and participated in a thrilling game of tug-of-war. This was a great opportunity for the children to show off the athletic skills they've been honing all season.

Celebrating Heroes

Real Heroes Day wasn't just about fun and games; it was also a chance to celebrate the true heroes of our community. Dozens of firefighters and police officers joined the event, and each child received a special Real Heroes Day t-shirt.

The Armory believes that our local police and fire personnel are the epitome of heroism, and this event was a way to express our deepest appreciation for their invaluable service.

Alberto Aquino